[ Milous' Patterns ][ picture of logo TKOL inside open hands ]

Mao Ying  "Dream Catcher"    21 Moves[ picture of kata H pattern ]

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Facing East [ E-1 ]

1.  From ready position [ N ] facing south, turn 90° to face [ E-1 ], execute step behind side kick with left foot.
2.  Take one step back with left foot and execute right hammer fist strike assuming [ shaolin bow stance, augmented back stance ] left fist at chest, palm up.
3.  Pull both fist back to hip and execute left rear leg front kick.

Facing West [ W-1 ]

4.  Turn 180° to face [ W-1 ], execute step behind side kick with right foot.
5.  Take one step back with right foot and execute left hammer fist strike assuming [ shaolin bow stance, augmented back stance ] right fist at chest, palm up.
6.  Pull both fist back to hip and execute right rear leg front kick.

Facing South [ S ]

7.  Turn 90° facing [ S ] and execute high knife-hand X-block, right hand over left [ shaolin bow stance, augmented front stance ]
8.  Take one step back with left foot and execute double knife-hand down block, right hand leading.
9.  Take one step forward, execute double knife-hand down block, left hand leading, immediately followed by right rear leg front kick.

Facing West [ W-2 ]

10.  Turn 270° facing [ W-2 ], execute left hand inside to outside middle block.
11.  Followed by reverse punch, right hand. [ ki-yap ]

Facing East [ E-2 ]

12.  Turn 180° facing [ E-2 ], execute right hand inside to outside middle block.
13.  Followed by reverse punch, left hand. [ ki-yap ]

Facing North [ N ]

14.  Turn 90° facing [ N ], execute X- down block, closed fist.
15.  Followed by right forearm high block, with left rear leg front kick.
16.  Take one step back with left foot, execute skipping right leg front snap kick.
17.  Follow with cross-step right leg front kick.

Facing East [ E-1 ]

18.  Turning 270° pivoting on right foot, facing [ E-1 ], execute left down block.
19.  Taking one step forward on right foot [ assume shaolin bow stance, augmented front stance ], execute right tiger mouth hand. [ ki-yap ]

Facing West [ W-1 ]

20.  Turning 180° facing [ W-1 ], execute right down block.
21.  Taking one step forward on left foot [ assume shaolin bow stance, augmented front stance ], execute left tiger mouth hand. [ ki-yap ]

Return to ready position

Milous' Patterns Yuen Fwa Shin Kiem Yang Sze
Hanz Loa Tung Yuk Him Eloh Tang Injo

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